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Find Primary & Secondary Schools in Nigeria


Primary & Secondary Schools in Nigeria

Powered by educators in Africa.

Some Of The best schools in Nigeria

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Below are some of the best schools in Nigeria

Power School Academy

Power School Academy

Wuse 2

Municipal Area Council, Federal Capital Territory

Prime College

Prime College

Audu Bako Way

Nasarawa, Kano



Parliament International School

Parliament International School

Plot No. 868 Jereton Mariere St, behind Apo Legistlative Quarters, Gudu, Abuja 900110, Federal Capital Territory, Municipal Area Council, Federal Capital Territory

Municipal Area Council, Federal Capital Territory




₦10,000 - ₦170,000 Per Annum
Devy International School

Devy International School

8, Adeboye Street

Shomolu, Lagos

Admin schools

Admin schools

Kado estate, Abuja

Anambra East, Anambra

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